Diversity in Surgery

Our second event for 2019, Diversity in Surgery, is set to be a smash hit. Join us as we discuss diversity and equality in surgery, followed by new and exciting advanced and basic surgical skills workshops.
WHERE: University of Notre Dame, ND35 Level 3
WHEN: Friday, 10th May 2019 at 18:00
The event will start with dinner being served, followed by a keynote address from world-renowned orthopaedic surgeon and pioneer of the osseointegration technique, Associate Professor Munjed Al Muderis. Following the keynote, there will be a breakout session where students will get the opportunity to attend two of six different workshops split into two 45 minute sessions. The full agenda is below:
6:00- 6:30pm - Dinner and light refreshments served
6:30- 7:15pm - Introduction and eynote address by Associate Professor Munjed Al Muderis
7:15- 8:00pm - Station 1
8:00- 8:45pm - Station 2
-- event concludes--
Students will have the opportunity to attend 2 of the following workshops:
1. Laparoscopy (keyhole surgery)
2. Plastics and Wound Healing
3. Orthopaedics (fracture fixation)
4. Obstetrics and Gynaecology (episiotomy)
5. General Surgery (cyst removal)
6. Suturing
Preferences for workshops can be submitted when registering for a ticket.
Registrations open 1st of May 2019 at 18:00
COST: This is a free event, courtesy of the support from our sponsors
Workshops will consist of 15-25 students and run for a total of 45 minutes unless otherwise indicated.
This event is open to all NDASS members regardless of skill levels. If you are not already a member join now.